MCOA is a fraternal organization for Michigan Conservation Officers and their supporters.
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Dues allow MCOA to operate on a day to day basis, promoting Michigan Conservation Officers and the natural resources they protect.
History of Conservation Officers in Michigan
Early Michigan citizens recognized the rich and vast natural treasures surrounding them and the need for their conservation and protection. The result was the state's first salaried "Game Warden", William Alden Smith, who was appointed in 1887.
Warden Smith was charged principally with appointing deputies for the enforcement of fish and game regulations. The mission of the DNR Law Enforcement Division has expanded substantially since Smith's appointment and now includes protection of all natural resources and the environment, as well as the health and safety of the public.
Today, "Conservation Officers" and other noncommissioned support staff direct their efforts to a wide array of responsibilities designed to support this broad mission. Enforcement, Education, Recreational Safety and Public Outreach represent some of the general categories of services.

Mission Statement
The Michigan Conservation Officers Association is dedicated to establishing, promoting and maintaining the professional image of conservation law enforcement in Michigan, ensuring that current and future generations will understand and appreciate the essential role of natural resources protection in our most unique and diverse state.
Donate to the Fallen Officers Memorial

FRANK S. WILSON (1854-1908) - JULIUS A. SALOMONSON (1878-1908) -
PATRICK THOMAS WATERS (1871-1923) - ARVID ERICKSON (1896-1926) - EMIL W. SKOGLUND (1890-1926) - THERON A. CRAW (1900-1928) - ANDREW SCHMELTZ (1890-1936) - MAURICE C. LUCK (1908-1938) - CARLYLE B. SMITH (1895-1943) - THOMAS J. MELLON (1901-1947) - EDWARD STARBACK (1900-1957) -
PETER J. VANVALIN (1916-1970) - GERALD F. WELLING (1918-1972) - SCOTT AVERILL (1946-1986) -
ARTHUR A. GREEN III (1956-2015)
Do you want to become a Michigan conservation officer? We are hiring!

Public Outreach
Since its re-creation in 2005, MCOA has touched the lives of hundreds of Michigan's citizens through public outreach.
MCOA has assisted in the 'Hunt of a Lifetime' program for sportsman who are no longer able to hunt due to a terminal illness or severe disablilities. In this program, MCOA has supported this unique hunting opportunity and shows that despite illness, the great outdoors is not out of reach.
More recently, MCOA has teamed with the Michigan Special Olympics. The past several years, MCOA members have touched the lives of some of Michigan's most precious athletes. Our members have participated in the torch run for opening ceremonies of the annual summer games and handed out metals to the athletes. MCOA has taken an active role in support of Michigan's Special Olympics, and not only changed the lives of the athletes, but our members aswell.